Perhaps you already know how much high temperatures are costing your business. If not, you may be interested in what NASA found out when they conducted their own study, CR-1205-1, "A Compendium of Human Responses to the Aerospace Environment".This definitive report shows a strong correlation between the effective temperature and human productivity. At 85 degrees, work output drops by 18% while accuracy suffers by 40%!
While productivity is the most obviously costly product of a hot, uncomfortable work environment, that's not the end of it. Your bottom line also suffers from:
Low Morale, caused by heat discomfort
Tardiness and Absenteeism
Turn over and the associated training and discharge costs
Reduced attention to Safety
Potential Health Issues
What does 18% of your payroll cost per month? Or 29%... or 45%? If you consider payback as an important factor in your equipment buying decisions, you cannot ignore the importance and value associated with providing your employees a comfortable work environment.